What is Faith Field?

Faith Field Baseball Ministries, Inc. (FFBM) is a faith based ministry embracing America’s favorite pastime as a resource to reach the youth of the world. FFBM, a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization, was established to equip youth baseball players and develop leadership through a local mentorship program as they facilitate clinics and participate in tournaments and international leagues, as well as collect baseball equipment to give to under privileged youth.

Statement of Faith

  • We believe in one Triune God, eternally existing as the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and each has their own unique characteristics yet they exist as one Godhead (John 16:13-15, John 1:1-3, John 16:7-11, Hebrews 10:11-18, Matthew 28:19).

  • We believe that all of scripture was written under the inspired authority of God,  perfect, without error, and complete (2 Timothy 3:16-17).

  • We believe God the Father is Creator and Redeemer. God is faithful and watches over His creation until the day He calls us home (Genesis 1:1, 2 Thessalonians 3:3).

  • We believe God created everything perfect but man caused sin the enter the world separating us from the presence of the Lord. Since Adam every person born into this world is in sin (with the only exception Jesus Christ) (Romans 3:23).

  • We believe that even through man’s sin God still desires a relationship with His creation and has given them that opportunity in sending His Son, Jesus Christ, to be the substitute for us. After the crucifixion He was then resurrected after three days and ascended into heaven awaiting for the time He can come back and claim His bride, those who have placed their faith and trust in Christ as their personal Lord and Savior (Romans 6:23, John 3:16, Romans 10:9, 1 Timothy 2:3-4, Matthew 24:30-31).

  • We believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God. Jesus was sent by His Father to fulfill His plan of redemption. He lived the perfect life man could not live. He was the ultimate and final sacrifice for all sins. He defeated death never to return. While being fully God He was also fully man (2 Corinthians 5:21, 1 John 3:5).

  • We believe the Holy Spirit is the Helper God sends to indwell each believer for the purposes to teach, comfort, guide, and intercede. The Holy Spirit is the one who convicts and draws His creation closer to Him (John 14:26, Romans 8:14).

Our Core Values

  • Passion For The Harvest

    Then He said to His disciples, "The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest."" Matthew 9:37-38

  • Visionary Leadership

    "Where there is no revelation, the people cast off restraint; But happy is he who keeps the law." Proverbs 29:18

  • Christ-Like Service

    "Let nothing be done is selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself." Philippians 2:3

  • Devoted To Prayer

    "Pray without ceasing," 1 Thessalonians 5:17

  • Excellence And Integrity

    "in all things showing yourself to be a pattern of good works; in doctrine showing integrity, reverence, incorruptibility," Titus 2:7

  • Be Joyful, Be Thankful, Have Fun

    "Rejoice always,...in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you." 1 Thessalonians 5:16&18